Phathizwe Malinga discusses how he is running SqwidNet remotely
S1, E12

SqwidNet MD Phathizwe Malinga is one of South Africa’s top ICT executives and a leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) market. As managing director of SqwidNet, he is responsible for building an IoT connectivity business in South Africa in partnership with Sigfox. Malinga has been involved in the information technology and telecommunications industry for over two decades, having held senior management level positions. Before joining SqwidNet, Malinga was the head of application strategy at Life Healthcare Group, and he was in charge of the IT application strategy and software development for the group. He also has a love for the academic field and is a guest lecturer at the Graduate School of Business, Cape Town and a Singularity University faculty candidate. In this interview, Malinga discusses how he is running SqwidNet remotely and what the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is on the IoT industry. He further discusses the most popular IoT applications and where he thinks the IoT industry is heading in the next two years.


14 Jul 20 • 19 min


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