First Technology’s Ryan Ramawoothar on how to become POPIA compliant
S2, E17
Ryan Ramawoothar is an experienced business executive and a senior software and cloud specialist at First Technology. Ramawoothar has been with First Technology since 2017 and has a history of working in the SaaS and cloud industries. He is highly skilled across go-to-market strategies and market shifts, professional services, and business development. In this What’s Next interview, Ramawoothar discusses the typical problems and challenges businesses face to become POPIA compliant. He explains the impact of POPIA on businesses of all sizes and how they can become compliant. Ramawoothar shares how the Microsoft Compliance Center and Microsoft Compliance Manager tools make it seamless for businesses to manage their POPIA compliance and how First Technology can assist them in this journey.
23 Jun 21 • 25 min
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What’s Next with Aki Anastasiou is South Africa’s premier technology show and is the perfect platform to showcase your company and its executives. In this series the host, Aki Anastasiou, interviews South Africa’s top IT and telecommunications executives.
What’s Next was launched in June 2020 and became an instant hit thanks to Anastasiou’s excellent interview style and the quality of his guests.
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