Michael Jordaan on how Bank Zero is revolutionising the South African banking industry
S5, E10

Michael Jordaan is one of South Africa’s most well-known and respected business leaders, and a co-founder of Bank Zero. Jordaan previously served as the CEO of First National Bank until 2013, after which he founded Montegray Capital. He has since become one of the most respected venture capitalists in South Africa, with Bank Zero and Rain among his most reputable achievements. In this What’s Next episode, Jordaan meets with Aki Anastasiou to discuss how Bank Zero has revolutionised the South African banking industry. Jordaan highlights what sets Bank Zero apart from the online banking services of its competitors, and discusses how easy it is for customers to sign up. He also explains how Bank Zero is able to offer an affordable service – with almost all transactions being free. Jordaan then talks about the trends he has noticed in the local banking industry since Bank Zero launched. Jordaan suggests how Bank Zero can help to change the savings behaviour of its customers for the better. He also highlights several new products and services Bank Zero customers can expect to see in the future, including the ability to open a business account through iOS.


12 Apr 22 • 25 min


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What’s Next with Aki Anastasiou is South Africa’s premier technology show and is the perfect platform to showcase your company and its executives. In this series the host, Aki Anastasiou, interviews South Africa’s top IT and telecommunications executives.

What’s Next was launched in June 2020 and became an instant hit thanks to Anastasiou’s excellent interview style and the quality of his guests.

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