Nihilent’s Sabahat Kazi on the future of SAP BTP
S2, E25

In this What’s Next interview with Nihilent, Sabahat Kazi gives insight on the iVEN and iDEAL solutions and how Nihilent is connecting the supply chain for customers and vendors. Sabahat Kazi is an experienced SAP expert and the Global Head of ERP at Nihilent – a global consulting and services company. He is also the CEO and founder of Intellect Bizware Services, the SAP business unit of Nihilent. In this interview, Sabahat shares how SAP is positioning its Business Technology Platform (BTP) and he gives insight into the adoption of BTP by SAP customers. He talks through the decision process of customers looking to adopt SAP BTP and he explains what has changed for SAP partners like Nihilent with SAP BTP.


24 Aug 21 • 19 min


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What’s Next with Aki Anastasiou is South Africa’s premier technology show and is the perfect platform to showcase your company and its executives. In this series the host, Aki Anastasiou, interviews South Africa’s top IT and telecommunications executives.

What’s Next was launched in June 2020 and became an instant hit thanks to Anastasiou’s excellent interview style and the quality of his guests.

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